IoT Virtual Laboratory
- To simulate interfacing of basic input components (Pushbutton, Potentiometer and Slider Switch) with Arduino.
- To simulate interfacing of basic output components (RGB Led, 7 segments and LCD 16*2) with Arduino.
- To simulate interfacing of multiple motors (DC Motor, Servo Motor, and Stepper Motor) with Arduino.
- To simulate interfacing of multiple sensors (Ultrasonic sensor, PIR Sensor, Soil Moisture, MQ135 Sensors) with Arduino.
- Simulation of sending live sensors data on IoT Platform using HTTP Protocols and ESP8266/ESP32.
- Simulation of sending live sensors data on IoT Platform using MQTT Protocols and ESP8266/ESP32.
- Simulation of establishing master-slave model using Arduino and I2C Protocols.
- Simulation of establishing interrelation between cloud (AWS, Microsoft Azure, ThingSpeak, and IBM Bluemix) and ESP2866/ESP32.
- To create IoT Dashboard for remote monitoring.
- To create IoT Application using LORAWAN and ESP8266/ESP32.